There are plenty of internet plans available in the market. Ask the right internet service provider! Do not get mislead. It might be confusing for you to select a particular internet plan. Customers tend to always have some doubts regarding the limited and unlimited internet plans. What is the exact meaning of the unlimited package? In spite of having an unlimited internet plan, ISP tells you some rules about limits. In this blog post, we help you to get cleared with all the doubts.
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Get To Know Difference Between Limited and Unlimited Internet Plans
Meaning Of Limited Internet Plans
Here, the data limit is considered as the major factor. You will be getting less FUP. It means the internet usage limit ranges between 10 GB per month to 50 GB per month. Few years before, the FUP was 30GB to 120GB. Being the best internet providers in Delhi, we suggest you seek help from the local ISP. As their business grows, you will tend to get better offers.
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Limited internet plans have good bandwidth on all the days of the week. Busy days are not exceptional. If the ISP has promised you with 1 Mbps per second. You might get 152 kbps download speed. On busy days, the download speed drops to the range 100 kbps - 50 kbps. In the case of limited plans, you will have no such fluctuations. Users can enjoy complete 140 kbps speed.
The cost of limited plans is generally low when compared to unlimited plans. Students prefer such plans and can comfortably use it the whole month.
Meaning Of Unlimited Internet Plans
In fact, there is nothing as such in the market. Most of the internet providers in Delhi put a FUP for every plan. But, there is a possibility to get as high as 120GB or 200GB FUP. So, when you cross the limit, the speed reduces. For instance, it can go from 30 Mbps to 5 Mbps. Speeds can be tested online with the help of speed test websites. Have you tried it anytime?
Unlikely to limited plans, the bandwidth has no limits. The internet works well even on weekends without any fluctuations. Based on the package you subscribe, this type of internet plans is quite promising.
However, the cost of such unlimited internet plans is high. You need to pay for the quality and experience you get. But, beware of the fact that all the internet service provider will not offer great packages. So, even the charges vary from one provider to another provider. At DEN Broadband, we ensure that our customer gets the best package in today's market.
Advantages Of Limited Internet Plans
The monthly fee structure seems to be less. You will be promised to receive better bandwidth. Internet Service Provider lets you enjoy the impressive internet speed all over the month. Most of the ISP has a minimum ping per second.
Advantages Of Unlimited Internet Plans
You will be able to enjoy the 100 Mbps data with maximum FUP of 500 MB. Many reputed service providers offer the same. The bandwidth will be good only if your ISP is not lazy. You just need not worry about the slow wifi speeds. If you cross the limit as per the internet plan, the internet speed slows down. But still, you can use the internet at a lower speed. However, you need not have to pay anything extra for it. The ping is great. Also, it seems to be the best internet plans for gamers.
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