What is SEO and How does its work - Introduction | Types | Techniques of SEO

What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO

The world of digital marketing and internet depends on the word "seo" of this three word. Very big companies who sell their Proudct and Servies online. He spends his millions of dollars just on seo. After all what is seo?

If you have also heard its name repeatedly or have written it or you are new to internet and digital marketing, then you get to hear this word again and again.

Today, we are going to tell you about it in simple words. If you read this post carefully then you will easily know about what is seo?.

What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO
What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO

What is SEO 

SEO's fullform is Search Engine Optimization. Which is directly related to the search engine. seo One way to bring your website to the top in the search engine are the rules so that our website can increase traffic. If you follow these rules then your website is shown on the first page in the search engine.

Bringing the website to the first page is important because most people like to visit the website on the first page and for that we have to follow Seo.

Any company or person makes their website so that they can sell their service and product, but if traffic on their website does not visit them, then how will they sell their products. That's why we have to do our search engine optimization to get our website to the first page. Which is a traffic increase on our website.

Increasing traffic on websites increases our online earning. Also the value of the website increases in the search engine, which increases the ranking of the website.

For example - Search engine optimization (seo)  is exactly like the traffic rules. Like a road map we need to run the traffic smoothly, so that people do not face any problem and they can quickly reach their target by choosing their right path.

Similarly Seo is also a search engine Traffic Rules. So when searching anybody, quickly find the right information. For this there is a road map of search engine called Seo (Search engine optimization).

Seo and traffic rules both work for people. So that our journey is good. As if you search for "what is seo" but whatever results come about it, you have to search again and again, which means that your journey and user experience are bad.

That's why the google search engine uses the Seo factor to increase its user experience so that their users can provide fast and accurate information.

Every search engine has its own seo factor. Google is the biggest search engine in today's time, which is the most used in the whole world. google works on about 200 Seo factor.

If you want to understand Seo in one line then you know that Google likes the same content which the user likes to read. Which goes to the content itself first page. And if you do not like, then it slowly goes down. This is the most important factor of google seo.

What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO
What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO

What is search engine

First of all, it is very important for you to know what is the search engine. search engine One such search engine is an alogrithum that gives us the right information about the information we have searched on the Internet, for this, it fastly crawl, index and rank the information contained in our data base, which is called SNRP (Search engine Result Page). Seo has a very large role to bring any page to the top in the search result. google, yahoo, bing is all this search engine.

SERP- When you search in any search engine like what is Seo then the list which comes after it is called SERP.

In today's times, google search engine is the most popular because if we have to search anything then we use google search engine. 70 Precent people in the world use google.

Do you know when you search anything on google then google uses 200 factor to give you the best result which is in accordance with these parameters of article google, it shows you on google's first page. Which can get you the right information.

How does search engine work?

Like if you search "what is seo" then the search engine already brings a crawl and indexed ranking form to you. The bots and spiders of the search engine make their ranking form continuously by indexing 24 hours and indexing. And as soon as you search something, it appears on the search engine Result Page (SERP).

By the way, all the search engines work differently technique. But every search engine works in three steps.

1. Crawling
2. Indexing
3. Ranking

 1. crawler

This is an automated computer program that works in conjunction with other software programs such as Robot, Bot, Spider; Through which the entire search engine is implemented. The task of the Crawler is to scan all the websites, files, documents, videos etc. that are already present or available on World Wide Web. In the language of search engine, Crawler is required to crawl the Documents scanning process.

The Crawler Program reads all the websites / documents of the World Wide Web one by one, examines them and then goes their copy of the copy to the search engine's Index Server. Always remember that the crawler does not store all the websites or files present on the World Wide Web. World Wide Web, or the Internet, the Crawler reads most of the data on it in a few seconds and copies the data based on the quality of that data and keeps compiling it in the search engine's index server. The process of crawling the World Wide Web keeps running continuously, as a result, all the websites or files compiled in search engines are updated from time to time so that the user can get accurate and up-to-date information.

In order to complete the Crawling Process, Robot, Bot, Spider first access to some websites, then jumping from other links on those websites - second, third, fourth ... .. fetching data of thousand, lakh, million website and its one- Make a copy. Through the crawler, we will learn the standards for copying all the websites in our next article. The search engine BOT or ROBOT or SPIDER (all of which mean the same) use an algorithmic process while crawling a website or web data, which is a computer program or you can call it self intelligence machine, Which decides which data or website is to crawl, how often to crawl, how many pages to crawl, what kind of data do not crawl.

2. Indexing

Upon this we have known how Robot, Bot or Spider complete the search engine's crawling process. During the crawling process, the copies of all the websites gathered are saved by the search engine on its Index Server (also called Data Storage and Search Index). We can learn this - on one side, the search engine "BOT" scans or crawls the data on the World Wide Web, on the other hand, it creates a copy of that data and sends it back to the Index Server to secure it. The process of having a data index is never closed as the crawling process is never closed. In addition to fetching new data, the task of re-indexing or refreshing the already existing data on the server continues.

3.  Ranking (Search Engine Ranking)

When we search any information on any search engine, including Google, the search engine shows the most appropriate answer to the question we have inputted in less than a second, and shows it on our main page. Google keeps the response shown on its main page in the growing order, which means the first answer, then the second answer, then the third answer, and finally the tenth answer. We give the name of search engine ranking in the increasing order.


Types of  SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The most effective way to increase the traffic of any website is to do its Search Engine Optimization. By SEO you can get your website up or down in the rankings of Google or any other search engine and get more traffic. There are also two parts in SEO:

  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO
What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO

To learn more about Off-Page SEO, read our article below:

What is Off-Page SEO?

If we talk of On-Page SEO, then it comes in all ways in which we only make our content better than great, so that search engines like them. Google is also the most important content accordingly. If the content of your website is great and useful for the visitor, you can rank higher in the search engine. But there is something called the name of your website on the Internet.

Now if your site is reputed to the site, along with the content of your website, Google will give you even more traffic benefits. Now you will be called off-page SEO techniques, in addition to optimizing the content to make your website esteemed and reputed.

It is therefore important that you pay attention as much as you pay attention to On Page SEO as well as pay attention to Off Page SEO.
How to Off-Page SEO?

Let's now know how you can do Off-Page SEO.

1. Create Backlinks 

If seen, all the Off-Page SEO methods somehow focus on creating backlinks.

2. Social Media Engagement

A major SEO technique is to increase engagement for your site on social media. If you want to make your business, website or blog popular, engage with people on social media platforms. Social media presense will also help you to get more and more backlinks in growing your blog or website.

3. Social Bookmarking Sites

Social Bookmarking Sites are also one of the best ways to promote your blog or website. When you bookmark a page of your blog or a website on a popular social bookmarking website, you get a backlink with high traffic on that particular page.

4. Forum Submission

Become a part of such search forums that are related to the niche of your website or blog. Create a great connection with their community. Reply to threads and also questions of people, also give your suggestions. It will be good if you use "Do-Follow" forms.

5. Blog Directory Submission

Blog Directory Submissions has always been a great way to build quality backlinks. Select a great directory and then carefully select it effectively category. The results will take some time to come, but the results that you get from this method will be useful for you and your website for a very long time.

6. Article Submission

You can submit your articles in the high PR Article Submission directories. In this you can also give links to your websites. There is just one thing to keep in mind that content of your site is unique and high-quality. Low-quality content and content that contains keyword stuffing are rejected. Choose the right category and give your content a great title.

7. Question and Answer Sites

One great way to get high traffic on your website, by joining questions and answer websites. You can join popular question-answer websites and answer your business related questions. You can provide a link to your website in your answers, so that you get both backlink and traffic.

8. Media Submissions

You can increase your blog's esteem ness significantly by sharing related images and videos like media to your blog's content on different image sharing and video sharing sites. One of the benefits is that PR is too high for any video submission sites or image submission sites. So directly it will benefit your website as well.

9. Infographic Submissions

Apart from video and images, there is a great way to present your content in visual way. You can also share infographics created for the related content of your blog or website and also get backlinks from those sites.

10. Document Sharing

You should create different types of documents related to your blog or website. These documents should contain unique content and formats of these documents should be pdf, ppt etc. You can submit these documents in document sharing sites and get backlink from there.

What is On-Page SEO?

On Page SEO technology, all elements of a web page such as titles, descriptions, content, URLs, internal links, etc. are optimized. In this technique, the main focus is on content and HTML source code.

In simple words, On Page SEO, you work only on the content of the web pages, such as content, titles, etc. and not on other external elements such as link building etc.

On page optimization determines not only good rankings in search engines like Google, but also improves user experience and readability for your web site's readers.

On Page Optimization  Factors

So now let's look at Top 10 On-Page SEO Factors -

1. Blog Post Title

The title of your blog post is a very important on-page SEO factor. The better your blog post's title, the more people will click on the link on your blog. In other words, the more you click on your post, the better your rank will be. You should make sure that you use your target keyword in the title of your blog post.

2. Post Permalink Structure

The second most important thing that you should carefully set up after the title of the post is your entire site's permalink structure. In this regard, you will read our articles below.
Make sure you use one of your target keyword permalink.

3. Heading Tags

Heading Tags is not a very important factor for Search Engine Rankings, but if you still want to fill all the types of headings like H1, H2 and H3 in your entire article, you will definitely get the benefit in ranking. Try to make sure that you use your main keyword and some other related keywords in the heading tags.

4. Keyword Density

Keyword Density is no longer the most important factor nowadays because what matters most is that the quality of your content However, if you are writing an article for a highly targeted keyword, it would be great for you to put some keywords and other words similar to the main keyword + and keep keyword density look-1.5%.

5. Meta Tags

Meta Tags There are some tags that provide search engine in short about some valuable information about your article. There is a very meta tag meta description

Meta Description - The smallest information about your blog post is that the Kochi search engine results display under your site's title and link. This is important from two aspects. The first aspect is keyword. If you use the keyword in this description, then you will be able to find a ranking in a particular keyword in the search engine. The second factor is of CTR. The better your meta description, the more people will click on your link and thereby increase your ranking and traffic.

6. Images

Nowadays the images are of images and people like to look at the place of reading. Keeping this thing in mind, search engines have also started improving the ranking of sites using media. Therefore, it would be a strict recommendation for you that you want to make any blog post that you want to target for any keyword, use images and other media such as videos etc. In addition, if you use your targeted keyword in ALT tags of images and their names, you will have a strong advantage.

7. Word Count Per Post

One thing is common that the rank of those posts is very high, the ranking is always excellent. Its biggest example is Wikipedia.

You must have seen that all articles of wikipedia are very long, which means their word count per post is very high. Therefore their ranking is also often number 1. But this does not mean that you are stuffing your post and writing the content of the scam.

You should therefore write great content from increased driving and as much as you can tell in your posts the better. Use thorughout in media content to prevent readers from being bore.

8. Internal Linking

Internal Linking is another very important factor. I would also like to give you the best example, Wikipedia. You may have seen that any wikipedia article, however, has a lot of internal linking. You should also do Internal Linking with related content in your blog posts. Take the example of internal linking in our post. I have given a different place in my post which is related to our posts that are related to our posts. You have to do the same, if you want to get a good ranking.

9. External Linking

The way in which Wikipedia has internal linking, they also make External Linking by creating a separate section of Reference. You should also have external linking in your article at different places where required. Talking about external linking is another important thing, backlinking which you can read about in our article below.

10. Write Engaging Content

You should write something like this that more and more users are able to engage with him for much of the time. An SEO is something in which we only write articles keeping in mind the search engine factors. An SEO is such that we keep the attention of those factors, along with it, keeping in mind your readers as well as engaging content. Always remember one thing that you write content for your readers, not for search engines.

Type of Seo Techniques

These are mainly two types of seo techniques. Here is Follows - 

♦ White hat seo
♦ Black hat seo

What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO
What is SEO and How does its work  - Introduction | Types  | Techniques of SEO

There are also two types of Seo Techniques. It is very important for you to understand. If you do not understand them, instead of increasing traffic, you damage your website.

What is white hat seo

There are two ways to do every thing. Seo techniques work similarly in a world of bad and a good or a shortcut and a direct way into the internet world.

Now it depends on us which way we have to walk. If we walk on shortcut or bad path So we can never reach our destination, when we walk on the straight path or reach our destination. Even if it takes a little longer time.

White hat seo is also the only way you can become a successful and famous blogger by following. You have to do SEO on your website and post according to the Rules of Google or all other search engines.

If we tell you in a line, then every search engine has some guidelines and rules. Those who follow us, we have to do our website's search engine optimization. Which we call white hat seo This is very important for our website.

How to use white hat SEO techniques

1. Quality content

Your every single blogger will hear it saying that content is King. Because if your written article is quality content and not quantity, then it will automatically rank in the search engine. This is the biggest example of white hat SEO.

2. Website speed

The website which is open quickly It has more advantage than the rest of the website.

3. Easy and Good Navigate

The more well designed and easy the structure of your website and post, the user will get as much choice and users who like it. She likes google and all the other search engines.

4. Title and Meta Description

Post title and Meta description should be according to the same post. Do not repeat keywords in Title and Meta Description. And use Post related keyword in your Meta description.

5. Using Keywords

Every search engine works only on the keyword. But for this, the keyword should be used in the right place in the post like

♦ Post Title
♦ Post URL
♦ First paragraph of the post
♦ Text of the post
♦ Heading Elements like as H1, H2, H3 etc
♦ Meta Description
♦ Image alt tag
♦ Last paragraph of the post

6. Keyword density

It is very important to keep in mind the keyword density when writing your post. Varna will change your white hat SEO post to black hat. So use keywords only up to 2-5% in your post. And use the related keyword from that post.

7. Quality back-linking and link building

Getting link building and backlink from your own website to your website enhances your website's rich in search engine. It is used in both black hat and white hat seo. If you create a natural link for your website then it is white hat seo. Otherwise black hat SEO

What is black hat seo

It is a technique of Seo that uses methods to ignore the rules of search engine and to get high traffic, which is done only by keeping in mind the search engine Robots. Which is called black hat seo.

Like you will find many such websites on the internet that make thousands of links to your website by taking some money. This link is created by spam and automated website. Who are able to easily identify the search engine's Bots and Spider. After that your website can be blocked.

We can tell you that the Google search engine keeps changing its algorithm. Which he can give best results to his user.

Whose biggest example is. Google Panda and Google Penguin updates, after which the much-increased website was penalized. Which greatly damages the website's ranking and value

Therefore, we should always work with keeping the rules of search engine in mind. Because if the search engine changes your algorithm then it does not cause any damage to your website.

Black hat seo is completely opposite of white hat seo. It can be ranked on the website but for a short time! Now we are going to tell you about some such method that is black hat seo.

Black Hat SEO Techniques

1. Keyword Stuffing

Use the keyword repeatedly without any need in a post that can rank it in the search engine. Doing this makes the user feel bad at reading the post. Because the same keyword is repeated without any reason.

New blogger usually does this mistake. Because they do not have any information about it, which turns them into white hat seo to black hat seo.

2. Unrelated Meta

In Meta Description, we have written about our post. His short description is written. In this short description, repeated keywords and unrelated keywords are used so that they can match the maximum number of search keywords.

3. Doorway and Gateway Post

This is a half-dead post, in which only one kind of keyword is used. Called the Doorway and Gateway Post.

4. Duplicate Content

New blogger who does not know much about blogging He even copies the post to anyone's post. Or, repeatedly posting any single post that can get more traffic, but the search engine identifies such a post very quickly.

5. Invisible Keyword

The more keywords you have in a post, the more chances of being ranked in the search engine as soon as that post increases. Therefore, using such keywords that are invisible with background colors.

So friends, now you may know that what is black hat seo and is done in some way. It is not for us and you people who want to make a career in blogging. So you should follow the guidelines of the search engine and work on white hat seo which can be a successful blogger in the future.

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