What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha?

What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha?

What is Google Project?

Hi friends! Do you know what Google is doing? Perhaps you have not heard of this. But this is a new Google project, in which you can earn money from offline blogging.

Wherever you are talking about making money, then one of your questions will be required to know what Google is doing. What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navelkha? So today I'm going to tell you about What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navelkha? Google Navlekha  that Google Project does not know why? This project is designed for whom?

What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha?
What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha? 

What is Google Navlekha?

Friends, first of all we know that Google Project is doing what? So it's a new initiative from Google. With this help you can publish online content easily without any special digital information.

Project Navlekha is not for everyone. Especially it has been made for them, who publish their content on the newspaper. If a publication writes his article in his offline magazines, he can also publish it online through Navlakha.

 How does Google Project Navlekha work?

Now the question is how does Google Project Navlekha work? So if you have a pdf file, like a file from your magazine / newspaper That pdf file is uploaded to navlekha website, after which it will be transformed into an article by OCR technology.

What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha?
What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha?

In this way you do not need to do any hard work. If you have an offline publication, if you have content; So through this innovative project you can increase online readers.

How to Join Google Project Navlekha?

Friends, you might have already come to know what Google is doing? Now you must be thinking that why should we use it? How to Join Google Project Navlekha?

So I would like to tell you that besides your offline publication you can earn money online. As many readers as you are, there are followers; After joining navlekha, your readers will grow, together you can earn a lot of money. Next, I am telling you in detail that How to earn money from Project Navelkha?

Procedure to Join Google Project Navlekha

To join Google's project, first you must have a magazine / newspaper publication. After that you can follow the Google Project Navlekha Online Registration Procedure to join.

  • First of all, you have to click on Project Navlekha Official Website and click on the option below.

  • After that you will be asked for some information, which is to be filled correctly.

  • You have to enter your name first, then the details of the name of the public / company name, email, mobile number, office address, publication's RNI registration number, and so on.

  • After that, you have to submit the tick on Navlekha Terms & Conditions.
The Google team will now check your application, after which you will get further information via email.

Why is Google Navelkha still working?

Now go to the most important topic that  How to earn money from Project Navlekha? So first of all, it is to apply according to the procedure given above.

  • After conducting your Navlekha Application, Google will contact you automatically.

  • Now the Google team will help you create your navlekha website so that you can bring your offline publication online online.

  • Through Navlekha tools, you can publish both your old and new ones online.

  • Whatever pdf file you have, you have to upload it to the website, after that your file will be published in your website through navlekha conversion & publishing tool.

  • Now you can make changes to your content through your navlekha tool.

As far as the matter is concerned with Google Project Navigation? You can earn a lot of money by putting ads for Google AdSense on your website. If you do not know much about google adsense, you can see the following YouTube videos.

Benefits For Publishers of Google Navlekha

If you also have an offline publication, then the question comes to the publishers of Benefits. What is it? Through this, you can increase your publication both online and online.

  • Project Navlekha Team will publish your content online for free. You do not have to pay a domain name for the first three years and neither the Publication Tool. You just have to intensify content for publishing and bring it online.

  • By joining Google AdSense, you can reach the largest network of online advertisers who can bid for advertisements on your website.

This way  that How to earn money from Project Navlekha? It is only in the list of Google Navlekha Pros and Cons. In addition to your offline earnings, you can also earn online earnings.

Conclusion: What is Google Navlekha?

So Friends! That's all I want to say to Google. I hope you find this article on What is Google Navlekha? How to earn money from Project Navlekha? It would have been nice. And now you may have also understood well that Google is working on what and why the project is working?

This new initiative from Google, what is Google Navlekha? If you have any questions about this, please comment below. If you want to read similar and Informative Articles, you can give your Email ID in our Email Newsletter. You will get the information of all the upcoming articles from this email.

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