What is Google Assistant and How to Use

What is Google Assistant and How to Use

Google Assistant has reached an advanced level and is working on headphones and speakers.

Today, in this article, you will learn what a Google Assistant is and what happens with it.

What is Google Assistant?

Google Assistant is a voice assentor or can say that Google has a virtual assistant.

With this help Google automatically shows you important information such as if you have a travel plan or a ticket ticket, Google Assistant informs you on your smartphone.

What is Google Assistant and How to Use
What is Google Assistant and How to Use

Google Assistant gives you all the information time and time that matters to you.

What is the use of Google Assistant?

Google Assistant supports both text and voice only.

You will see on your Android phone, you get the "Ok Google" option, which can be taxed by voice invoices and can give commands to the phone such as sending a message, checking a travel plan, checking an appointment, listening to music or alarming in the phone. Set up etc.

How to Use Google Assistant

Today all Google phones are already installed in the new Google Assistant App, but some phones do not remain in the phone. You can install Google Assist App from the Play Store on your phone.

To use Google Assistant on your phone, you press the Home button or you say "OK Google" Google Assistant is open.

Here if Voices does not want to do it then they can also type their own question. As soon as you write and send the text, the answer comes from the same way just like we talk to someone by talking to them.

What can Google Assistant do?

Google Assistant can do something like this in your phone. The assistant does any work after giving your instructions.

  • Can control your phone's home screen
  • Can get information from your phone's calendar
  • Your personal information can also be accessed.
  • Can open an application.
  • Can set alarms.
  • Changes to your phone's settings such as changing brightness.
  • Can call someone.
  • Can play music for you.
  • Can open games for you.
  • Can give you weather information

Hopefully now you may know What is Google Assistant and How to Use and what works. If there is any question or suggestion related to this article about What is Google Assistant and How to Use , please be sure to comment.

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